Author: Li, Yunjun
Title: Demand and development of intelligent building facilities in student apartments
Advisors: Lai, Hung-kit Joseph (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2019
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Student housing
Intelligent buildings
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: xi, 79 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Intelligent building is the product of the combination of social productivity development, technological progress and social needs. With the continuous development of computer, control and communication technology and the breakthrough of key technologies, it will further promote the development of intelligent buildings. At present, intelligent residential areas and intelligent residences are developing with an irresistible momentum, and various grades of intelligent residential areas and intelligent residences are being built in various countries. Student apartment is an important place for students to study and live. Most college students live in student apartments in schools or institutions. Therefore, the construction and development of student apartments is particularly important. Today's student apartments generally provide only the most basic living facilities, and residents' satisfaction needs to be improved. Building intelligent student apartments is a good way to improve existing problems and improve apartment satisfaction. In this study, an independent student apartment was selected as the target object, and the residents in the apartment were interviewed and questionnaires were conducted. This paper mainly investigates the satisfaction of residents to each part of the existing apartment, and then divides the intelligent apartment into four main parts. It analyses the different attitudes of the apartment residents towards the intelligent development of different parts of the apartment, and finally compares the demand of residents for different functions of different parts of the intelligent apartment. The research results clearly show the residents' satisfaction with the existing living conditions and their demand for different functions of intelligent building systems in student apartments, which can better guide the direction of intelligent construction and transformation of student apartments.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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