Author: Zeng, Fengfan
Title: Performance-based assessment of glass cladding in tall structures under typhoons (computational-based)
Advisors: Dong, You (CEE)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2020
Subject: Glass construction
Curtain walls
Tall buildings -- Vibration
Building, Stormproof
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Pages: iv, 81 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: A growing number of tall buildings have been constructed with extensive glass cladding which may cause significant damage to human being under the effect of typhoon. For security reasons, the study on the performance of glass cladding in tall structures is required since the activities of typhoon become increasingly intense by considering the effect of climate change. This study mainly analyzes the behavior of the partial structure under different conditions using the numerical simulation. The models set by finite element software ANSYS which can apply the wind load to the member and assess the displacement as well as the maximum stress of the structural member under wind load. Some calculations are conducted to assess the accuracy and credibility of the results. Based on the computational results, this study has confirmed that higher strength of the structural adhesive and great support condition can effectively improve the performance of the glass claddings. The aspect ratio and thickness also play an important role in the bearing capacity and deformation of glass panels. Based on the simulation results and the investigation of historical data, retrofit and optimization methods are proposed to help the manufacturers improve the quality of their products. Besides, some effective precautions are recommended to the public to reduce the damage under typhoon effects.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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