Author: Poon, Sai-wah Jeremy
Title: Development of an ISO 9000 quality system for magnetic head manufacture
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 1993
Subject: Magnetic recorders and recording -- Heads
Hong Kong Polytechnic -- Dissertations
Department: Multi-disciplinary Studies
Department of Mechanical and Marine Engineering
Pages: 1 v. (various pagings) : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Magnetic head manufacture is now the major precision engineering industry in Hong Kong. As the competition in the global market is becoming more fierce, some perceptive companies have decided to implement ISO 9000 as their marketing weapon. The ISO 9000 series quality system standards are now widely accepted as the international benckmark for quality assurance. Certification to these international standards is the pre-requisite for doing business with many major customers. By implementing ISO 9000 correctly, a lot of tangible and intangible benefits can be realized. The objective of this project is to develop a quality system according to ISO 9000 for magnetic head companies. To understand the current quality assurance practices in the magnetic head manufacturing industry, a review of quality system in the "model" company has been carried out. This study reveals that the magnetic head companies mainly rely on inspection and testing for assuring the quality of their products. In comparison with ISO 9000, there are many major noncompliances, concentrating at the problem prevention side. Based on the features of the magnetic head industry, a quality system according to the ISO 9002 standard has been developed in this project. The quality system developed is fully documented in the form of a quality manual and a set of quality system procedures, and is discussed in this dissertation. Since most people and organizations tend to resist change, bringing about changes to the quality system by implementing ISO 9000 invariably leads to stressful situations. In order to be successful, human factors and project management should not be underestimated.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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