Author: 韓振歧
Han, Zhenqi
Title: 中國旅遊行業協會的作用和發展
Zhongguo lu you hang ye xie hui de zuo yong he fa zhan
Other Title: China's travel association's function and development
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2003
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Travel agents -- Labor unions -- China
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: vi, 63 p. ; 30 cm
Language: Chinese
Abstract: This dissertation is aimed to study the travel association's function and development in China. Through an explanation about those long-time-existing problems in about 20 years' development of China's travel industry, an analysis of current situation of China's reformation, and literature learning on association were explained and fond that the long-time-existing problems were main obstacles to hold back China's tourism industry. But it is very hard to overthrow according to the current situation. So the study of association became very important in development of travel industry. After qualitative analysis of association's evolution and its prosperity and comedown in history and interviews with large number of entrepreneur and officials related to this topic, finally an expecting format of association was given, and was taken as a suggestion of the dissertation. Also the most important point is to be fond out that there are some factors which is influencing seriously on association's function is relied on to the reformation of government's body system.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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