Author: Lam, Chiu-ying
Title: A study on the enhancement of technical advisory services of a sewing thread company
Degree: M.A.
Year: 2001
Subject: Clothing trade -- China -- Hong Kong -- Customer services
Technical assistance -- China -- Hong Kong
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Multi-disciplinary Studies
Institute of Textiles and Clothing
Pages: xiii, 140 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to improve the technical advisory services of a sewing thread company. Facing the increasing competition, the company has formulated to shift its marketing strategy from product superiority to service excellence. A few years ago, the company launched a package of technical advisory services with the objective of providing added values to customers for achieving quality sewing, but the response has been below expectation. This study attempted to use the technique of quality function deployment (QFD), which is a customer-oriented approach for translating customers' voices into various design features of products and services, for making improvements for this service, with the use of analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The scope of this study was first to identify the effective kinds of activities for the technical advisory services. For each of the identified kinds of servicing activity, it will then try to work out the details of the critical area where suggestions to be made for making necessary improvements. The skeleton of this study is to translate customer voices into design features of the technical advisory services by the methodology of QFD and the decision-making tool of AHP. The literature of various concepts of marketing products and services, some common QC tools as well as the methodology of quality function deployment of analytical hierarchy process was reviewed in Chapter 2. Followed in Chapter 3, it was to collect voices from the major customer group - the clients of the company, for finding out the WHATs for QFD. With the use of AHP the HOWs, that is, the possible servicing activities, were identified by means of working out the inter-relationship of the QFD matrix in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 was to identify the details of respective important areas of each of the identified effective kinds of servicing activities for achieving service excellence. Based on the findings, recommendations were made in Chapter 6 for improving the technical advisory. Last but not the least, some limitations as well as study conclusion was drawn in Chapter 7.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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