Author: 譚烽
Tan, Feng
Title: 航空公司通过英特网推销电子机票对民航代理的影响
Hang kong gong si tong guo Ying te wang tui xiao dian zi ji piao dui minhang dai li de ying xiang
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2004
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Airlines -- Reservation systems -- China
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: xiii, 57 leaves : ill., charts ; 30 cm
Language: Chinese
Abstract: There has been much publicity about the threat of disintermediation on e-tickets. The existing research has been predicted upon data collected in America, Europe and Australia. There is a dearth of studies in the China. This exploratory study examines the attitude and views of professionals in the air service agency on the impact of e-tickets on their role as an intermediary. Using a survey of 105 industry practitioners, the study shows that perception of disintermediation in the Air service agency context has five dimensions: (i) agents' ability to add value; (ii) airlines' move to bypass agents; (iii) agents' advantages over Internet-enabled distribution channels; (iv) the industry's professionalism; and (v) the traveling public's acceptance of the E-ticket. Results also indicate that people in the industry perceive that disintermediation will occur. While they feel that airlines' initiatives in reducing commission, selling e-tickets through the Internet, they think that their ability to add values will shield them from being bypassed. Gender, industry experience, position, and agency size were found to have an effect on perceptions about disintermediation. Female workers are generally more pessimistic about threat of being disintermediated, so as agencies who have only a small staff establishment. On the other hand, practitioners who have rich industry experience and those who are in managerial positions are confident that the air service industry can cope with e-tickets. The report further suggests that training programs, increased specialization, closer cooperation, provision of value-adding services and presence on the Internet could be undertaken to address the situation.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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