Author: Lau, Hon-ming
Title: A systematic investigation on filled aluminium can subject to various environmental conditions
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 1995
Subject: Aluminum cans
Aluminum industry and trade
Container industry
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Mechanical and Marine Engineering
Pages: vii, 76, [26] leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: This dissertation attempts to use a systematic design of experiments to investigate the behaviour of the can and end under different environmental conditions. Internal pressure of filled can is decided to be the response variable for study. Since there is no past study on internal pressure of filled can under different environmental conditions, a brainstorming session was carried out to determine major factors that may affect the internal pressure of filled can. Factorial experiments were then designed to find out major factors that affecting the internal pressure. In order to prove the measuring method is valid, a gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility study was first conducted to ensure the internal pressure measurement can be adopted. After a two-level L16 experiments with fold-over and five repetitions had been performed, temperature, gas volume and agitation were found to be main factors. Response Surface Methodology was then use to establish a model to describe the relationship between internal pressure and the three main factors. A first order model had first been fitted, and then along the path of steepest ascent, the maximum region was located. Finally, a linear first order model is determined to be best describes the relationship. And a confirmation run also showed that the results of the experiment agreed with the fitted linear model and were fall into the 95% confidence interval.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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