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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributorSchool of Nursingen_US
dc.creatorSin, Wai-man Celia-
dc.publisherHong Kong Polytechnic University-
dc.rightsAll rights reserveden_US
dc.titleSystematic review on the effectiveness of caffeine abstinence in improving quality of sleepen_US
dcterms.abstractBackground: Insomnia is a common problem and abstinence from caffeine is the most popular component in sleep hygiene advice. However, there have been inconsistent results relating to the effectiveness of caffeine abstinence in improving sleep. The aim of this systematic review was to review the effects of caffeine abstinence on the quality of sleep. Materials and Methods: A systematic review was conducted. Various electronic databases and reference lists of articles were searched for relevant literature. The articles were selected according to pre-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Two reviewers assessed the quality of trials selected according to Jadad's quality assessment scale. Trials scoring three or above were included in the systematic review and their data were extracted. The heterogeneity of the studies was assessed before considering whether or not to combine the studies' results. Results: Three randomized control trials fulfilled the selection criteria among which two trials scored three or above in Jadad's scale and were included in this systematic review. The design of these two trials was not homogeneous, so their results were not combined. Instead, critical appraisal was conducted. In one trial, caffeine abstinence was associated with significant lengthening of sleep duration (p<0.01) and better sleep quality (p<0.05). In another trial, problem falling asleep decreased on days with decaffeinated coffee (p<0.05). However, overall sleep quality and problems with insomnia and awakening were not affected by caffeine treatment. Conclusion: There is evidence supporting that caffeine abstinence may improve sleep quality. Caffeine abstinence should be included as one of the instructions of sleep hygiene. It is recommended to advise people having sleep problems to refrain from caffeine use to improve their sleep.en_US
dcterms.extentix, 88, [34] leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.en_US
dcterms.isPartOfPolyU Electronic Thesesen_US
dcterms.educationalLevelAll Masteren_US
dcterms.LCSHHong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.en_US
dcterms.LCSHCaffeine -- Physiological effect.en_US
dcterms.LCSHSleep disorders -- Treatment.en_US
dcterms.accessRightsrestricted accessen_US

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