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dc.contributorSchool of Hotel and Tourism Managementen_US
dc.creatorLu, Kaibei-
dc.publisherHong Kong Polytechnic University-
dc.rightsAll rights reserveden_US
dc.title內地公民出境旅遊的動機及其影響因素分析 : 以杭州公民出境泰港澳遊為例en_US
dc.titleNei di gong min chu jing lu you de dong ji ji qi ying xiang yin su fen xi : yi Hangzhou gong min chu jing Tai Gang Ao you wei lien_US
dcterms.abstractSince the year of 1991 when the first relative-visiting outbound travel group was officially organized, the market of outbound travel has progressed dramatically in China. Nowadays, outbound travel has become one of the most popular activities of urban residents. Indeed, what are the underlying factors and motives that have formed this booming market? In many ways, tourism is strongly related to people's psychology. Actually, viewing from the perspective of psychology, motive is the kind of psychological tendency which arouses and maintains people's activity and further guides the activity heading for a certain objective, in an attempt to satisfy certain needs of individuals. Specifically, travel motive in essence is the internal impulsion leading to travel activities for the purpose of satisfying individual needs, which is of most significance to travel decision-making and behavior. Therefore, an in-depth analysis of travel motives of a specific travel group in a specific region will be significant to the industry, especially, in view that outbound travel has increasingly become the consumption focus of urban residents. This study develops a theoretical framework for analysis of push and pull factors affecting motives of outbound travel based on the literatures. In this framework, a variety of factors relevant to tourists themselves are sorted as the factors of push, such as individuality and demographic; While various Factors relative to external environment are categorized as the factors of pull, such as leisure time, charge, social class, reference group and outbound policy and so on. Exactly, this framework is employed to proceed further with investigation of this study, and will be of referential value for future research on the subject of outbound travel motives. By investigating travel motives of outbound tourists in Hangzhou, the researcher has drawn a conclusion that "eliminating tension" is the dominant motive while "social identification" is the recessive motive. In the meantime, it is revealed that the issue of cultural crudeness can be identified in the activities of outbound tourism in Hangzhou market at the moment. Based on the results of questionnaire survey, the researcher studies the significance of internal factors of tourists themselves and the external factors of environment. As a result, following main points are concluded, including: motives vary to a certain degree due to the dissimilarities of internal factors of tourists; Economic factor is the most important external factor that will constrain the formation of motive for outbound travel; Concern on security is an significant factor inhibiting the travel activities. This study is of strong pertinence due to its well-defined research scope. Theoretically, the findings of this study will present meaningful implications for future research on related subjects and provide practical suggestions for travel agencies in carrying out marketing planning.en_US
dcterms.extent2, 2, 93 leaves : ill. ; 30 cmen_US
dcterms.isPartOfPolyU Electronic Thesesen_US
dcterms.educationalLevelAll Masteren_US
dcterms.LCSHHong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertationsen_US
dcterms.LCSHChinese -- Travel -- Foreign countriesen_US
dcterms.accessRightsrestricted accessen_US

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