Author: Djong, Me Jin Jennifer
Title: Improvement of operation performance through business process re-engineering
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2005
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Reengineering (Management) -- Case studies
Organizational change -- Case studies
Department: Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Pages: viii, 91 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: Nowadays, the business world requires every individual and company to response and reacts fast. It seems everyone is losing his or her patients to wait. If you or your company is a little bit slowly than the others, you will lose the competitive opportunities. In order to help the company to gain more competitive power, organizations are trying to review their existing work process. After the analysis, they will re-design the workflow and processes of the organization. This study is about the company that I am working facing the problems and how we can solve the existing problems so that every one can enjoy their work. In this paper, the study is to enhance the order-ship-bill process; to develop a process that values our sales, customers, plants and customer service team. By going through the problems and difficulties, new processes of order enter and commit, unit of measurement, new customer set-up, special pricing approval, credit hold process, complaint & adjustment handling have been set up and are being implemented. Although we are talking about re-engineering, it is not downsizing, cutting cost, computer upgrade, etc. It is to simply and to smooth our daily process. We will keep en eye on the processes that have been implemented and will review the processes with the users and customers from time to time. I am confident that we can achieve our goals and will keep improving in the future.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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