Author: Ho, Y. W. Dara
Title: An evaluation of the relationship between the mission statement and the identity
Degree: M.A.
Year: 2001
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Mission statements
Corporate image
Department: Department of English
Pages: iii, 116, [18] leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: This study is to evaluate the relationship between the mission statement and the identity. Mission statement is commonly found in the organization's annual report, corporate brochure, and on the web site. Mission statement is the foundation of formulating strategy. The stakeholders' perception of the mission statement affects their evaluation and assessment of the organization. Mission statement provides the initial impression. If the mission statement reflects the identity, the punctuality of the evaluation and assessment will be increased. Therefore, this study is conducted to evaluate the relationship between mission statement and identity. Semantic system is used to analyse the selected data set in the areas of ideational, interpersonal and textual functions that realize the social backgrounds, the social roles the meaning respectively. The eight University Grants Committee ("UGC") funded institutions in Hong Kong were selected as the data set in this study. Hong Kong's universities are facing financial cut down. The strategic planning of sourcing new finding increases the stability of the university and enhances the development. CityU is the first university that has become a shareholder of a listed company in Hong Kong. This strategic enterprising move provides a new source of funding. CityU's mission statement is further evaluated to see if the enterprising elements occur. The study result shows that mission statement reflects the identities of the universities which is also matched with the international ranking from Asia Week.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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