Author: Ng, Yut-ming
Title: The impact of learning styles on student's learning in social work fieldwork education
Degree: M.Ed.
Year: 2003
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Learning strategies
Social work education -- China -- Hong Kong -- Field work
Department: School of Professional Education and Executive Development
Pages: ix, 124 p. : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: This dissertation investigates the relationship between learning styles and social work students' fieldwork learning experience and outcome. A sample of 160 students enrolled in the Higher Diploma and degree programme and their corresponding 53 fieldwork instructors in a Hong Kong university was included in the study and their learning styles were identified by Kolb's Learning Style Inventory. The thesis looks at whether, and if so, how students' learning styles and also their compatibility with those of the instructors would affect students' perceptions of the degree of improvement in their learning abilities, their level of satisfaction with fieldwork instructors' supervisory practice, their beliefs about the extent to which they have achieved their personal goals, as well as their fieldwork performance. The study found that the students' and instructors' learning styles, and their compatibility have no significant impact on students' assessment of their overall fieldwork experience and eventual fieldwork outcomes. Limitations of the study and implications for fieldwork education were discussed. It was suggested that both students and instructors had to realize that learners were often confronted with situations incompatible with their own learning style. Social work fieldwork instruction should seek to move beyond the enhancement of performance within a narrow spectrum of activities, and consider the development of student's ability to select appropriate learning strategies from a range of activities according to the demands of the fieldwork situation and their own learning capability.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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