Author: Lin, Gen
Title: Electrical and thermal analysis of power cables installed in buildings
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2009
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.
Buildings -- Electric equipment -- Installation.
Electric wiring -- Safety measures.
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: xi, 96 leaves : ill. (some col.) ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: Since the electricity power used more in people's daily life, the safety of the electrical distribution system has been more concerned. This research is to investigate the electrical and thermal performances of power cables in the building in order to provide some recommendations for the engineers when they design the electrical systems. This investigation adopts three methods: theory calculation, software simulation and experiment measurement. The theoretical calculation focuses on two aspects: the thermal transfer between the power cables and the ambient environment; the thermal parameters including the effective heat transfer coefficient and radiative heat transfer coefficient. Software Matlab is used to calculate the electrical consumption of the power cables and the software Fluent is applied to simulate the thermal performance of the power cables. By integrating these two kinds of software, the model of the power cables is established. Experiments are carried out to validate the accuracy of the model of power cables established by the software Fluent. Some simple configurations of cables such as single cable, two cables with distance and three cables with trefoil arrangement are employed by both experiment measurement and software simulation. The model of power cables is proved to be accurate by comparing the results from experiment and software. The further analyses are based on this model to investigate the performance of cables with more complicate and practical configurations including 12 cables with flat and trefoil arrangement. By comparing the loading conditions of the power cables of 12 cables including the flat arrangement and trefoil arrangement with the simple configurations of 3 cables, grouping factors for both arrangements are found which indicate the effects of the different arrangements to the performance of the power cables. These grouping factors are the major objective coefficients this study going to develop which will contribute for the design of the electrical system.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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