Author: 姚井明
Yao, Jingming
Title: 电信运营商选择主流设备供应商的关键影响因素分析
Dian xin yun ying shang xuan ze zhu liu she bei gong ying shang de guan jian ying xiang yin su fen xi
Other Title: Key factors effect on purchase decision of telecom operators selecting main suppliers
Degree: D.Mgt.
Year: 2008
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations.
Telecommunication -- Equipment and supplies.
Department: Graduate School of Business
Pages: viii, 134 leaves : charts ; 30 cm.
Language: Chinese
Abstract: Chinese telecom market is going to be the brightest light-spot in the world, for it grew so quickly while the global telecom market developed in a slowly and hard speed. Therefore, Chinese telecom market is considered as a huge cake by the global telecom equipment manufactures. With the opening of domestic market and entering of multi-national manufactures, the competitions in Chinese domestic market had become more and more hard. As far as manufactures of key equipments are concerned, it is getting to be an significantly important problem that how to win the satisfaction and trust of operators, maintain present market share and strive for much bigger market share. In the process of competition, manufactures should try to supply product and service obeying to operators' favor and demand, and not only rely to the traditional marketing method, such as price war. In the prior studies, there are too many indicators used in the process of supplier evaluation. We need to find out some specific key factors for choosing right suppliers. This article proposed key factors models by interviewing operators and suppliers in Chinese telecom industry. Furthermore, it gave out eight key factors on which suppliers should pay more attention. Finally, it compared the models constructed by four foundational operators and a famous multinational supplier. The comparation showed the gap between buyer and seller, and also indicated the importance of key factors study.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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