Author: 邵德春
Shao, Dechun
Title: 国际国内酒店督导培训需求差异的研究 : 以浙江为调查省份
Guo ji guo nei jiu dian du dao pei xun xu qiu cha yi de yan jiu : yi Zhejiang wei diao cha sheng fen
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2005
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Hotels -- Employees -- Training of -- China -- Zhejiang Sheng
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: 85 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: Chinese
Abstract: The research purpose of this dissertation is compare the differences between international and internal hotel's supervisor's training needs and give some advice to internal hotel supervisor's training. Basis statistics of 532 managers and employee's questionnaire research from 8 internal hotels and 6 international hotels, shows the result about: The actuality of internal hotels' supervisor's training needs; The actuality of international hotels' supervisor's training needs and the differences between them. Investigator think, the differences about supervisor promotion means, supervisor training means and so on between international and internal hotels is the reason that cause the differences between international and internal hotel supervisor training needs. The investigator's advice to internal hotel supervisor training is: internal hotels should establish more perfectly training system for adapt to modern hotel's training needs; such as: expert management training before the supervisor promotion and so on. The way of promotion supervisor may use more mix means of interior promotion and exterior invite applications. Internal hotel should improve employee's income and add more training times to draw in and retain more high degree talent and so on. At the same time we should improve trainer's quality such as the trainers should pay more attentions to the content, it should mix the theory and fact; the training means and form should diversification and so on.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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