Author: Nielsen, Pia
Title: An exploratory study of factors influencing the development of convention and exhibition venues
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2005
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Congresses and conventions
Exhibition buildings
Convention facilities -- Marketing
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: vi, 113 leaves ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: The past couple of decades have marked a significant boom in the development of convention and exhibition venues across regions and destinations worldwide. Yet, academic research within this field is inexplicably scarce, especially considering the large economic benefits that are often associated with the convention and exhibition industry. This study aims to shed light upon the reasons that cause destinations to invest in venues by developing a conceptual model, which illustrates factors influencing the development of convention and exhibition venues. Methodologically, the study is exploratory of nature. Content analysis of various academic journals and trade magazines was applied as a measure for systematic analysis. Furthermore, in-depth interviews were conducted with industry executives in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of issues and trends within the industry. As a tool to illustrate of the dynamics and inter-relationships within the proposed conceptual model, a case study of Hong Kong's convention and exhibition venues was also conducted.
The findings of the content analysis formed five categories of factors that influence the development of convention and exhibition venues, namely, 1) Market-driven, 2) Competition, 3) Anticipation, 4) Destination-driven, and 5) Economic Benefits. Furthermore, relationships between different categories were acknowledged and discussed by applying well-known theories and concepts. Throughout the study, the issue of stakeholder pressure became increasingly apparent and it was included in the conceptual model. It was found that a majority of the factors and categories were interrelated and interdependent, which added to the complexity and dynamics of the decision-making process. The case study of Hong Kong's convention and exhibition venues emphasized these conclusions.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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