Author: 方煉
Fang, Lian
Title: 從小額信貸服務思考中國社會工作助人實踐 : 以天津市婦聯"扶助下崗女工再就業與創業小額信貸項目"為例
Cong xiao e xin dai fu wu si kao Zhongguo she hui gong zuo zhu ren shi jian : yi Tianjin Shi fu lian "fu zhu xia gang nü gong zai jiu ye yu chuang ye xiao e xin dai xiang mu" wei li
Degree: M.A.
Year: 2002
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Women -- Employment -- China -- Tianjin -- Case studies
Department: Department of Applied Social Sciences
Pages: 58 leaves ; 30 cm.
Language: Chinese
Abstract: The purpose of this study is, from the perspective of social work, to analyze the practice to help others named Project of Re-employment and Business initiative for the Laid-off Women Workers conducted by Tianjin Women's Federation. The main method is to ponder and meditate the project by listening to and comprehending attentively the viewpoints from the served group. Based on this study, it will go further to discuss the inspiration for the practice to help others to develop China's social activities. The study finds that although the project named Re-employment and Business initiative for the Laid-off Women Workers conducted by Tianjin Women's Federation is not the professionally social institution and service, it piles up a lot of helpful and efficacious experiences to help others. However, from the perspective of the demand of served target group, it is necessary to bring the idea and method of social activity into the service of the project. Moreover, the operation of the project also reveals the demands for social activity knowledge and the possible space to extend the ideas and methods of social working. So the conclusion is that it is essential to bring the ideas and methods of social working into various projects to help others to resolve social problems.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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