Author: 廖方军
Liao, Fangjun
Title: 高校旅游信息化教育与学生旅游企业实践的差距分析研究 : 以独立学院为例
Gao xiao lü you xin xi hua jiao yu yu xue sheng lü you qi ye shi jian de cha ju fen xi yan jiu : yi du li xue yuan wei li
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2005
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Tourism -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- China
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: xiii, 96 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: Chinese
Abstract: With the fast development of IT management and computer applications to China's hospitality industry, the hotel and tourism staff's higher IT and computer capabilities are crucially demanded nowadays. On the other hand, the related skills' important educating and training platform--- China college hotel and tourism management (HTM) major, shouldered important responsibilities for the future hospitality staff---the related major students. The China Independent-College hotel and tourism management (HTM) major, like other colleges or universities also shouldered the functions of higher HTM education and higher vocational education or training for the hospitality firms, in the field of IT & computer application. This research made an attempt to investigate whether there existed any gaps between college's teaching and students' perceived importance of IT & computer application. Through the investigations from students' IT & computer abilities learned in college HTM major, which were compared with their related abilities in the workplace and their perceiving importance of IT & computer skills. Through the analyzing of the research questionnaire, suggestions were made to develop a more relevant higher or better education or training programs to match the needs of the hospitality industry.
The research method adopted the form of quantitative questionnaire, and all questionnaires were distributed to all the 140 junior and senior students who study HTM major in Independent-College A in the local place-Hang Zhou; and the senior students had the first-hand practical experiences and knew the actual IT & computer applications in the hospitality industry. The research analyzed and compared the 36 IT competence items in 6 dimensions (Information preparing, Information handling, Communications. Application of software, Management information systems and Evaluation) through 3 aspects (Cheung & Law, 1999): the college teaching level, the perceived IT importance and students' own competence evaluation. The research mainly found that there was a big gap between these colleges' teaching and the students' perceived importance of IT & computer application to hospitality firms. The research findings could help China Independent-Colleges and higher education to shorten the gap between them, such as, adding more related courses, creating more IT practical cooperation with the hospitality firms, and it could guide the college HTM educational IT& computer application to the hospitality industry in a faster and healthier way.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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