Author: 安東
An, Dong
Title: 你还愿意当出头鸟吗? 探讨心理契约破坏对员工直谏行为的作用机制
Ni huan yuan yi dang chu tou niao ma? Tan tao xin li qie yue po huai dui yuan gong zhi jian xing wei de zuo yong ji zhi
Other Title: Would you stick out your neck after a shot? Exploring the path from psychological contract breach to voice behavior
Degree: D.Mgt.
Year: 2010
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Psychology, Industrial
Department: Graduate School of Business
Pages: xi, 110 leaves ; 30 cm.
Language: Chinese
Abstract: Voice behavior, a salient proactive behavior, is gaining its importance for organizational success and improvement in recent years (Crant, 2000). Previous studies have found that a higher leader-member relationship, lower individual cultural value orientation of power distance (Botero & Van Dyne, 2009), higher personal control (Tangirala & Ramanujam, 2008), higher global self-esteem, higher satisfaction with the group, transformational leadership and managerial openness (Detert & Burris, 2007), and situational factors (e.g. smaller group size, self-managed group) (LePine & Van Dyne, 1998) are the predictors of employees' voice behavior. As psychological contract is a major issue in today's employment relations (Robinson & Rousseau, 1994; Rousseau, 1989), it is interesting to investigate whether and if so how employees' feelings of psychological contract breach may influence their voice behavior to organizations. Using a sample of 818 employees collected from three manufacturing companies in mainland China, this research conducted an empirical study on the relationships among psychological contract breach, organizational cynicism, accountability, and voice behavior. The results of the study shed light on the voice behavior literature. Specifically, the findings showed that psychological contract breach was negatively related to accountability while it was positively related to organizational cynicism. In addition, the results surprisingly revealed that the association between psychological contract breach and accountability was stronger when organizational cynicism was low. It appeared that organizational cynicism had a replacement effect on the influence of psychological contract breach on accountability. This meant that the effect of organizational cynicism on accountability was much stronger than those of psychological contract breach. Furthermore, the findings demonstrated that accountability mediated the interaction of psychological contract breach and organizational cynicism on voice behavior. In regards of the practical implications, the findings called for managers' attention to the significant dysfunctional effects of psychological contract breach and organizational cynicism on accountability and voice behavior. I suggest that managers can consider adopting the "soft" practices of human resource such as proactive organizational culture, total quality management (TQM) based employee involvement, employee initiated management-by-objective (MBO) and so forth in order to decrease employees' psychological contract breach and organizational cynicism.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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