Author: Li, Yiye
Title: Application of Building Information Model (BIM) in building thermal comfort and energy consumption analysis
Degree: M.Phil.
Year: 2011
Subject: Heating
Buildings -- Energy conservation
Buildings -- Environmental engineering
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building and Real Estate
Pages: vii, 107 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: Building Information Modelling (BIM) is an emerging technological and procedural shift within the Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operations (AECO) industry, it is argued to be a catalyst for improving efficiency/effectiveness and lowering the high costs of inadequate interpretability (Succar 2009). However, the interoperability of different Building Performance Analysis (BPA) tools is still an area under development. Building Performance Analysis (BPA) tools, such as Ecotect, IES<VE>, eQuest, Energy Plus, Design Builder, and HEED, have been traditionally applied to study the energy performance of buildings for design of more sustainable and energy efficient buildings. This study aims at exploring the significance and barriers of information delivery between BIM and BPA tools (Ecotect, eQUEST, GBS), and exploring how to apply BIM model to building thermal comfort and energy consumption analysis. Two tests have been done for that purpose. In Test I, three product models, with different detail level and file sizes, were built and delivered from Revit Architecture into ECOTECT, and eQUEST. Comparison studies of three file formats and the two programmes were conducted to guide the further integration analysis. In Test II, a thermal comfort analysis and an energy saving analysis for building envelope were conducted separately in Ecotect and eQUEST. Interventions and specific customisations of the model organisations were recorded during the analysis. PMV average values of three typical floors (6F/19F/32F) were calculated, and the result shows that thermal comfort in typical seasons is acceptable for those three floors. Annual electricity consumption of HVAC system was also calculated based on different building envelope design strategies. Significances, barriers and recommendations for integration design with BIM and BPA tools are also concluded.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: open access

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