Author: Zhu, Xiaogang
Title: 长三角地区国有高星级非国际联号城市饭店市场细分现状研究
Chang san jiao di qu guo you gao xing ji fei guo ji lian hao cheng shi fan dian shi chang xi fen xian zhuang yan jiu
Other Title: Current situation of market segmentation : a study of state-owned non-international chain hotels in the Yangtze river delta area, China
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2011
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Hotels -- China -- Marketing
Market segmentation -- China
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: vii, 56, 5, 24, [38] leaves : ill. (some col.), maps ; 30 cm.
Language: Chinese
Abstract: This research focuses on the current market segmentation situation of China state-owned non-international chain hotels in the Yangtze River Delta Area. The Background and Objectives: China hotel industry has developed greatly since 1978 the Reform and the State-Owned Hotel (SOH) contributes significantly in this process. According to Wei Xiaoan (2008), the number of state-owned hotel takes 57% of China total star-rated hotels. However, despite its large scale, the SOH in general shows lower competition and worse business performance compare to the peer-product-level International chain hotels. It is then worthwhile to study the marketing management systems especially the market segmentation situation of SOH to survey the present condition and unveil the shortcoming compare to international chained hotels. Methods and data sources: The main methods applies in this research is qualitative in-depth interview with semi-structured open-ended questions. By carefully selecting interviewee, I finally confirmed 8 qualified hotels in 4 cities of Yangtze River Delta to well represent the SOH. All selected interview hotels are SOH and none of them are international chained hotels. 62.5% of the interview hotels are 5-star while 37.5% are 4-star. Also, I applied Case-study as research method to compare SOH and international chained hotel market segmentation practices.
Main findings: The in-depth interview found SOH marketing management system esp. market segmentation practice is in an extensive form and lack of standardization and integrity. SOH are barely established complete market segmentation flow, which should contain 5 steps from segments' definition to segments' strategy. Market segmentation practices in SOH are either underplay its role or be disconsidered by SOH top management. The case study also proves the market segmentation practice distance between SOH and international chained hotels. Conclusions: In Micro level, SOH market segmentation is in extensive form and lack of efficiency and the current situation can be described as below, 1. The marketing management system and segmentation practice is too extensive and lack of integrity and standardization. 2. SOH existing marketing management system and segmentation practice is specious and served as decoration without implementation capacity and environment. 3. SOH are barely established complete market segmentation flow. In Macro level, we need to relate market segmentation practice to SOH fundamental shortcomings and conduct analysis to reach further conclusion. The research shows below SOH root defects, which are also the root reasons of SOH market segmentation current situations. 1. Mandatory budget planning process 2. SOH organization systematic structural defects e.g. lack of motivation system, bureaucracy not entrepreneur culture and Rule-of-man not Rule-by-law...etc.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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