Author: Tang, Fangqi
Title: A comparative study of various travel time representation approaches for a road network
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2012
Subject: Travel time (Traffic engineering) -- Measurement.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics
Pages: viii, 104, xvii leaves : ill., maps ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: Improvements in transportation systems have enabled a reduction in the time taken to travel from one place to another. This has led to an evolution of the Euclidean distance measure unit (e.g. 800 km) to time (1 hour flight) and to the phenomena that a longer travel distance is not necessarily equivalent to a longer travel time. As a result, the representation of road network travel time, in form of maps has become a helpful and important feature of modern life. This study presents a comparative analysis of three approaches to representing network travel time. They are as follows: flow maps, distance cartograms and isochrone maps. Questionnaire surveys were carried out to investigate the effectiveness and viewers' preference of these approaches. Two sets of real-life data, i.e. railway and highway travel time data from China were used for travel time map generation. The results show that, as regards the flow map approach, the use of graduated colors presents the information most clearly, followed by bar forms. Maps with range-graded symbols and proportional symbols were the least acceptable in this regard. Distance cartograms were found to be effective in the representation of travel time in terms of high accuracy and visual quality. Large distortions were reduced by eliminating links with periods of large travel time and by assigning appropriate weightings to the different links. The results however, also indicate that flow maps are more effective than distance cartograms in their ability to display network travel time, especially those in graduated colors. Flow maps are also more effective in displaying the travel time for one-to-many relationship, followed by isochrone maps. Distance cartograms are the least effective in this respect.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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