Author: Wu, Teng Teng
Title: Study of vegetated noise barriers' effect on residents' perception of noise annoyance
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2013
Subject: Noise barriers.
Noise barriers -- Evaluation.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: viii, 75 leaves : ill.(some col.) ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Abstract: Noise annoyance is causing severe impacts on individuals nowadays and numerous efforts have been spent on identifying the appropriate annoyance mitigation methods. However, the factors that influence noise annoyance and their corresponding impact on perception of annoyance have not been fully investigated. Natural greenery has been shown to be capable of reducing noise annoyance at home but this conclusion may not be applicable to the combined vegetation and noise barrier. The combined long-term effect of greenery and noise barrier on annoyance attenuation of residents at home remains a research gap. Accordingly, this study aims to accomplish three major objectives. First, it aims to find whether and to what extent vegetated noise barrier has a moderation effect on noise annoyance perception of residents at homes. Second, it is intended to investigate the effect of individual's perception of greenery views on their noise annoyance responses at homes. Third, it is intended to reveal quantitative relationship on the influences of personal characteristics on the noise annoyance moderation. Totally three sites with several housing estates were selected in Hong Kong as the survey sites for which some of their residents were exposed to vegetated noise barrier, non-vegetated noise barrier or none from their homes. Correlation test results shows that more educated, highly paid, healthier and less noise sensitive individuals tended to give a lower noise annoyance rating. Besides, perception of more vegetated and more aesthetically pleasing noise barrier might assign higher noise annoyance rating, which is contrary from what we expeceted. The findings derived from the ordered logit models revealed no strong moderating effect of perceived greenery or vegetated noise barrier on the noise annoyance rating. However, personal characteristics such as self-rated health status, noise sensitivity influenced individuals' noise annoyance perception. The results of this study should shed more lights on city planning and building designs as it is also needed to consider the residents' personal characteristics profile and establish strategies accordingly. Some investment could be saved on the vegetation beside the noise barrier according to its limited contribution.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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