Author: Lau, Fat-wa Francis
Title: A case study of how a MNC adapts their business strategies to the changing environment in Hong Kong and China
Degree: M.B.A.
Year: 2003
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
International business enterprises -- Management -- Case studies
Strategic planning -- Case studies
Department: Department of Management
Pages: 85 leaves : ill. ; 30 cm
Language: English
Abstract: It is widely believed that business organizations would adapt and change their business strategies in response to the changes in business environment. Since a Multinational Corporation (MNC) has operations in more than one market, it is even more important for the MNC to monitor the changes in different markets. Besides, there are many MNCs have set up offices in Hong Kong and China, it is important to understand how these MNCs react to the recent changes in the business environment in Hong Kong and China. The implementation of certain new business strategies would however require the organization to undergo some changes internally. An organization has to find ways to manage the changes so that the resistance to these changes would become minimal. In this report, we would firstly outline the changes in the business environment in Hong Kong and China and the corresponding implications. A case study of a leading MNC will be used to illustrate how the corporation adapts its business strategies in light of the changing environment. Some examples would also be used to reveal how the corporation manages the changes.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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