Author: Lam, Yiu Shun Wilson
Title: The texture of multimodal metaphors in audiovisual moving images
Degree: M.A.
Year: 2014
Subject: Metaphor.
Critical discourse analysis.
Metaphor in motion pictures.
Animated films.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of English
Pages: v, 75, 7 pages : illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: The present study sets out to explore ways of understanding and construing multimodal metaphor (Forceville, 2006, 2009), a semiotic phenomenon that draws in different modalities of communication and gives rise to figurative meanings. In particular, the study investigates multimodal metaphor in animations, which has been trivialized and undermined in research, and yet its taken-for-granted meanings could yield significance in meaning and ideology, and to society (Wells, 1998). The study argues multimodal metaphor as a result of 'resemiotization' (Iedema, 2003), meaning that alterations in choice of modalities in discursive practice, e.g. storytelling, may create new meanings and/or a shift in meaning. To study this phenomenon systemically, the study synthesizes frameworks from cognitive linguistics, particularly those recently developed models (e.g. Forceville, 2009; Urios-Aparisi, 2010), and systemic functional linguistics, particularly discourse semantic models (e.g. Martin & Rose, 2007; Bateman, 2007; Tseng, 2013). Drawing from the synergy of these paradigms, this study proposes the preliminary systems of TRIGGERING, TRACING, and MAPPING. The study also applies the new analytical models on the beginning scenes of PIXAR's animation Up (2009). The analysis demonstrates and validates the practicality of theoretical and methodological proposals in previous literature of metaphor and multimodal studies and the current study.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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