Author: Ou, Yuanyuan Helen
Title: A multimodal analysis of the diachronic change of EFL textbooks in China
Degree: M.A.
Year: 2014
Subject: English language -- Textbooks for foreign speakers.
Textbooks -- China.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of English
Pages: ix, 46 pages : illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: The use of multimodalities in textbooks is the interest of researches. Among these researches, focus has been put on the comparison between voices differentiation in images either across regions of the same level or across levels of the same region. No study has put emphasis on the same level and region, but across years so far. Undoubtedly, there is a niche in finding out the differences of voice in images with the same level and place, so as to understand the diachronic change and significance of these changes. Under these circumstances, the paper compares nine English textbooks from China at same level but from was published in 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s respectively. Based on the theoretical framework of engagement, dynamic change in pattern can be observed from the contrast of textbooks. Moreover, the diachronic change in terms of genre and generic structure of the textbooks will be also analyzed and compared. Pedagogical implications can be derived according to the changes in time as an indication for further study or as a hint to the drastic education reforms.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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