Author: Zhang, Xiaoqing
Title: Enhencement of bonding strength of a glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) composite lap joint using nanoclay/epoxy adhesive at low temperature environment
Advisors: Lau, Alan K. T. (ME)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2016
Subject: Nanocomposites (Materials)
Polymer clay.
Polymeric composites.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Engineering
Pages: xi, 88 pages : illustrations (some color)
Language: English
Abstract: Fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) has been widely used in industries like aerospace for its character of lightness and other mechanical characters. Because of the pressured environment, in the aerospace, the joints of the FRP composites have been very critical for the reliability. In this circumstance, bolted and riveted joints for FRP composites are almost impossible. Therefore, adhesives could be introduced to solve the problem. Nanoclay has been recognized as good nano-filler to reinforce polymer. Nanoclay has low value of coefficient of thermal expansion. It is assumed that the nanoclay also could enhance the bonding strength for lap joint of composite, even at cryogenic condition, which is the real working environment for the composites. In this project, nanoclay (MMT) was added in the epoxy (DGEBA) to enhance the mechanical property of epoxy adhesives. Nanoclay added epoxy adhesives were used to bond glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP). The mechanical tests of tensile tests were conducted to the standard single lap shear samples, to test the mechanical property of adhesives. The mechanical tests were conducted at both room temperature and cryogenic temperature, and the cryogenic temperature condition was implemented with liquid nitrogen. The results proved that: 1) nanoclay could effectively enhanced the mechanical property of epoxy adhesives at both room temperature and low temperature; 2) for the same adhesive, when tested in low temperature, it showed better mechanical property than being tested at room temperature; 3) the weight percent of nanoclay had a significant effect on the performance of adhesives; 4) the fabrication method of adhesives also had an effect on property of adhesives, and in this project, sonication time had a great effect on adhesives; 5) the best performance adhesive was which containing 1wt.% nanoclay with 60 minutes sonication time and tested with liquid nitrogen, and its value of lap shear strength was 12.00Mpa.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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