Author: Cheung, Ho Tin
Title: Design and implementation of a reading aid system for seniors : using automatic corrective zooming
Advisors: Ngai, Grace (COMP)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2017
Subject: Older people with visual disabilities
Self-help devices for older people.
Technology and older people.
Assistive computer technology -- Design.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: xii, 71 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Vision is the most important sense of the five senses, however, human eyes are not perfect. The human eyes have many diseases include myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, and astigmatism. The diseases of eyes have become a major problem of human which largely affect patients' lifestyle. This dissertation consist of six parts including literature review, understanding eye diseases of elderly, human behaviors, implementation solutions, analysis results and conclusion. 1) The literature review provides insights of the causes of eye problems and the main eye diseases. Existing eye diseases include myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, and astigmatism. The first part aims to find out the key solutions from the literature' arguments. 2)Questionnaires play a crucial role in the area of the sample survey because the sample survey reflects the problems of the elderly. Although history was believed to have large amount information about eye diseases, our understanding of elderly is also faraway from complete. This part proposes the questionnaires to collect elderly information to analyze habit of using a computer and understand their eye diseases, in order to shorten the distance between elderlies and computers. 3) Computers have become an important media for the human to connect with the society. This part reviewed an elderly behavioral observation study to find out their hidden reading behaviors and figure out the solution. We can understand more about the behaviors of elderlies through analyzing their reading behavior statistically and developing more user-friendly products to close the gap between elderlies and computers. 4) Implementation of automatic zooming system provides user-friendly method for elderlies to use computers. Current computers cannot fully support elderlies who have the eye diseases mentioned above. This system provides the supplementary function to automatic zooming screen for elderlies who are using computers. 5) Testing responses from elderlies play a decisive role in this automatic zooming system experiment. Without their feedback, it is difficult to conclude this system is user-friendly enough. This part provides the automatic zooming system to collect elderly information when they read the news from the computer through this system to find out the best version. 6) Fast computer development boosts improvement of vision devices. This part presents the future development direction and to discuss the potential solution include the double cameras and the virtual reality. On the other hand, it proposes key difficulties and conclusions.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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