Author: Zhang, Yunpeng
Title: Evaluation of the holomorphic embedding method for contingency analysis
Advisors: Xu, Zhao (EE)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2016
Subject: Holomorphic functions.
Electric power systems -- Reliability.
Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Department: Faculty of Engineering
Pages: viii, 72 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Most successful power-flow (PF) methods in the industry are based on iterative techniques, which can converge to the desired solution with a relatively rapid speed. However, they have inherent convergence problems, which are not guaranteed to derive the accurate solution. A novel non-iterative method developed recently [1], the Holomorphic Embedding Load Flow Method (HELM), developed by Dr.Trias is guaranteed to yield the correct solution or signal voltage collapse. In contingency analysis simulation, it is very common that system operates near or beyond the voltage collapse point. As PF calculation is a fundamental procedure integrated in contingency analysis, the ability to derive a determined solution is critical important. The performance of HELM when system operates near and beyond the voltage collapse point is evaluated with several test systems with MATLAB. A criteria for the existence of solution is proposed in this thesis, which is not constrained by precision. Holomorphic embedding and analytic continuation are two key techniques, which are applied in HELM. In theory, there are infinity ways of holomorphic embedding, key points of which are illustrated during the basic holomorphic embedding model constructing process. Analytic continuation, property of holomorphic function power series, is explained from a simple but basic perspective.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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