Author: He, Zhengxu
Title: The impact of multimedia on flipped classroom based on SPOC
Advisors: Ng, To Yee Vincent (COMP)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2017
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Video tapes in education
Active learning
Educational technology
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: xi, 71 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: This dissertation mainly examines the differential impact of studying from perspective of multimedia factors. We adopt SOPC method in a Flipped Classroom, Participants were all the postgraduate students which enrolled in the COMP3421 course "Web Application Design and Development" (N≥80) in Hong Kong Polytechnic University. There are at least four different kinds of video styles adopted in this study. Comparing to the reference about the MOOC video production, the result shows students' grades have no strong relationship with the style of SPOC video. Of course, this experiment is not scientific and rigorous enough to view it as a reliable conclusion but also have reference value to some extent. In addition, we observed that self-motivation is the most significant factor (of course, this conclusion is accord with the MOOC video study). These findings suggest that maybe we should not pay too much attention on video preparing, the content we discussed on the class is the most significant part which can evoke students' self-motivation, and besides, although students seem do not care about the video style, Flipped Classroom are still popular with students than traditional classroom. So, the suggested further direction is to study the relationship among the content of before class, during class and after class.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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