Author: Liao, Guohuan
Title: Evaluation on the readiness of cloud-based tools of personal loan risk management for Shenzhen CNBMFs
Advisors: Ng, To Yee Vincent (COMP)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2017
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Internet banking -- China
Loans -- China
Department: Department of Computing
Pages: viii, 131 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: At present, a large number of related enterprises apply three ways to judge the recommendation of personal credit loan application. They include staff experience, applying credit tools with customer credit information, and conducting on-site inspections for company customers. During the judgement process, the first and third ways would involve a large number of human factors and risk assessment models cannot be properly implemented. As a result, there are increasing risk of overdue payments and bad debts. These risks are not controllable, and in the worst case even cause a company to fail completion. The research studied the current adoption of POWER BI Service (PaaS) to big data or data analytics, applied to PL-credit judgement risk management for microfinance companies to provide effective risk control system tools. The core idea is to identify the inhibiting factors and recommend solutions to reduce the impact of human factors so as to improve the effectiveness and accuracy of risk management. This work has developed a research model with seven adoption factors verifying the possible influence on Shenzhen CNBMF companies deciding to adopt Power BI (PaaS) for big data or data analytics in PL-credit judgement risk management. The factors include perceived usefulness, perceived ease of usefulness, trust, cost, trialability, usefulness and variety of service. According to these factors, different questions for the three different types of stakeholders have been developed. The questionnaire data was collected from 38 managers or above of Shenzhen CNBMF, 38 general employees of Shenzhen CNBMF, and 52 potential customers or customers. The result shows if employee who have been used BI tools, they will more likely to understand what is cloud computing. Another, although cloud-based BI tool provider has always stressed that the BI tool is secure, but users are actually worried about insecurity. At last, have free online training, it might more likely to convince the establishment of longer-time company to use.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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