Author: Zhu, Wenbo
Title: Design of permanent-magnet synchronous motors for application in high-speed spindles
Advisors: Fu, W. N. (EE)
Degree: M.Sc.
Year: 2017
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Electromechanical devices -- Design and construction
Electric motors, Synchronous
Department: Faculty of Engineering
Pages: 76 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) are widely used in industrial and research. Design and manufacturing this type of motor is always an important topic in electrical engineering. This dissertation is about to design and produce a PMSM motor. The design method will be based on FEA and genetic algorithmic. To make this method realistic, distributed computation method will be applied. At first, the optimization method of genetic algorithm will be introduced. The NAGA-口 method as a proved good multi-object optimization method will be discussed and used as the method to optimize the design of the motor. Afterwards, the basic theory and design method of PMSM will be demonstrated. The type of electrical machine depends on different driven method is given to give a basic concept of how many type are there in the field of electrical machine. The comparison of IPM and SPM is also important, for this dissertation will choose the SPM as basic topology. After finish the design and optimization of the electrical motor, the prototype will be made. Then, the experiment will be taken to measure the performance of the machine. The torque, efficiency and the temperature rise will be measured with proper equipment. The discussion of the results will be discussed, compare with the result of the experiment, the conclusion will be given. Mainly, depend only on the FEA method is possible. The results of the experiment confirm the design.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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