Author: Yim, Chun Hing
Title: Study on the energy saving potential of free cooling for common server room and data centre in Hong Kong
Advisors: Wang, Shengwei (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2017
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Client/server computing -- Design and construction
Computer networks -- Equipment and supplies
Electric power -- Conservation
Energy conservation
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: 65 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: As a well-developed city, the commercial activities are increasing rapidly in Hong Kong, a small but sufficiency server room is become essentially needed for each individually commercial sector. A huge number of increased in small server rooms play an equal importance role on the energy saving issues compare to the large in scale and well-researched data centres. Thus, this study will focus on how to adopt the well-researched data on the large-scale data centre down to the small scale of small server room to develop a high-efficiency cooling system and benefit on the energy saving in overall buildings. This study will mainly focus on optimising the design of air-to-air indirect heat exchange system in an economical way to a small server cooling facilities to obtain maximum energy recovery during the winter season. Determine the saving potential and life cycle by integrates the air-to-air indirect heat exchange system to the existing commercial server cooling system. Study the efficiency, feasibility, and economy of indirect heat exchange system installed in a real case of server consoles cooling system and determine whether indirect heat exchange system has higher efficiency.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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