Author: Yiu, Kwok On
Title: CEO succession in Chinese family businesses : a governing-by-laissez-faire (無為而治) perspective
Degree: D.B.A.
Year: 2017
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Executive succession
Department: Faculty of Business
Pages: 157 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: In the dissertation, the problem related to the CEO succession has been discussed, while the possibility of adopting laissez-faire governance in the process has been discussed and verified. With the defined laissez-faire governance characterised by benevolent leadership style and empowerment, the strong connection between the related components and the post-succession performance of the company can be evidenced. Additionally, the successor motivation, perceived legitimacy, and social capital of the successor obtained from the predecessors are strongly associated with the positive outcome of the company performance. Besides, the mediation effects of successor motivation and perceived legitimacy between the empowerment and post-succession performance were confirmed. Hence, the positive outcome can be observed if the laissez-faire governance can be applied in the succession process.The study has conducted the investigation to 30 companies so as to yield evidenced verification and support. Finally, the recommendation and advice have been provided so as to optimise the related implementation. All in all, one of the most important advice to the predecessors is "letting the company and new leader go", while the company would be benefited automatically and naturally.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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