Author: Ahn, Michael Jiwon
Title: Hofstede's cultural indices revisited : the relationship between cultural values and international tourism
Advisors: McKercher, Bob (SHTM)
Degree: DHTM
Year: 2017
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Tourism -- Cross-cultural studies
Tourism -- Social aspects
Department: School of Hotel and Tourism Management
Pages: viii, 111 pages
Language: English
Abstract: This research explores the previously unexamined assumption that the cultural profile of the international tourist mirrors that of the more generic coverall population of a nation. Further, it attempts to explore the ability of international tourism to change the perceptions and behaviors of travelers. The results demonstrated that whilst one's core national cultural values are persistent to change; international travel can elicit feelings of cultural change through the perspectives gained from immersion in the cultures of other nations. Further it was also found that it is not international travel that changes one's core cultural values, but rather that cultural values is a factor influencing an individual's ideal destination. This study provides independent empirical support towards the universality of Hofstede's cultural dimensions and the validity of its application in the tourism context, as international travel was not able to be utilized to delineate statistically different sub-groups within a national sample. It also lends support to the crossvergence school of thought on cultural change as perceptions of the respondents' own cultures indicate that cultural hybridization has occurred. The results demonstrate that the relationship between cultural values and international tourism is cyclical - the traveler's cultural values will dictate the upper bounds to where they wish to travel and the experiences that they have accumulated while engaging in international travel will elicit internal perceptions of cultural change.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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