Author: Yim, Ka Chun Martin
Title: Water efficiency of kitchen faucet in manual dishwashing
Advisors: Wong, Ling Tim (BSE)
Degree: M.Eng.
Year: 2018
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Plumbing fixtures
Kitchens -- Equipment and supplies
Water conservation
Department: Department of Building Services Engineering
Pages: vi, 40 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: The existing fresh water landscape in Hong Kong relies majority of its fresh water supply from China. Government initiatives to reduce water utilization were futile as the city's water consumption is growing at an increment rate and over 900 million cubic meters of fresh water are consumed annually across six sectors. With residential users being the largest consumer accounting for more than half of the expenditure. Faced with the imminent threat of global water shortage, heavy reliance on water supply from China and increasing price of water, the city must do more to reduce the total water consumption and placed greater emphasis on water conversation measures and awareness. The largest contribution to the domestic water consumption are caused by water faucet, with half of the water usage coming from manual dishwashing. This research aims to construct a working experimental model to investigate the optimization of kitchen faucet in terms of water efficiency and ultimately reducing the overall water consumption.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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