Author: Guo, Anqi
Title: The use of deliberate metaphors in teaching economics in higher education
Advisors: Tay, Dennis (ENGL)
Yap, Foongha (ENGL)
Degree: DALS
Year: 2019
Subject: Hong Kong Polytechnic University -- Dissertations
Economics -- Study and teaching (Higher)
Teaching -- Methodology
Department: Faculty of Humanities
Pages: viii, 436 pages : color illustrations
Language: English
Abstract: The Deliberate Metaphor Theory (DMT) emerged from the conceptual metaphor theory and has been developed by many language researchers (i.e. Beger, 2011; Gibbs, 2015b; Musolff, 2011; Steen, 2008a, 2008b, 2011a, 2011b, 2015; Tay, 2017). In Steen's (2015, p. 68) terms, a deliberate metaphor is a metaphor that moves the addressee's attention away 'momentarily from the target domain ofthe utteranceor even phrase to the source domain that is evoked by the metaphorical expression.' The deliberate metaphor is believed to have a very effective communication function (Harrison & De Jong, 2005; Steen, 2008b, 2011c, 2015), as it changes the way of thinking and helps the addressee to perceive the target domain (TD) in terms of the source domain (SD). This thesis explores different uses of deliberate metaphors designed to support the teaching of economics at undergraduate level. In order to test the effect of the use of deliberate metaphors compared to traditional textbook teaching, two teaching experiments were designed. One was designed to test the effect of a focused design of deliberate metaphors (a focused set of SDs and TDs) and the other used a scattered design (various sets of SDs and TDs) in economics lectures. The students in the experimental group received lectures designed with deliberate metaphors and the students in the control group received traditional textbook teaching. Results show evidence that a focused design using deliberate metaphors in the lecture helps the experimental group to perform better on tests than the control group. Results also show that a scattered design using deliberate metaphors used in the lecture significantly increases the students' interest in the lecture, more so than a traditional lecture echoing the textbook. Interestingly, although the students in the experimental group considered the lecture with a scattered design using deliberate metaphors more interesting than the students in the control group found their lecture, there was no difference in test performance. This thesis concludes by discussing some implications for teaching economics using deliberate metaphors.
Rights: All rights reserved
Access: restricted access

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