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Showing results 5251 to 5270 of 5930 < previous   next >
2023Towards context-aware voice interaction via acoustic sensingYang, Qiang
2010Towards designer-centered design brief formulations in industrial design : relating design brief perception to design expertise and design contextLau, Wing-chuen
2024Towards effective and efficient real-world video super-resolutionYang, Xi
2018Towards efficient analytic query processing in main-memory column-storesXu, Wenjian
2024Towards efficient and personalized collaborative edge learning on heterogeneous environmentGuo, Tao
2022Towards efficient and personalized federated learning on heterogeneous environmentZhang, Jie
2023Towards efficient and reliable human activity understandingXiang, Wangmeng
2023Towards efficient tiny machine learning systems for ubiquitous edge intelligenceZhou, Qihua
2020Towards enabling shape memory ceramics : considerations for stress concentration optimisation through additive manufacturingRaut, Virag Sanatan
2024Towards end-to-end temporal action detection in videosLu, Chongkai
2024Towards forest sustainability : detecting and characterizing forest tree decay levels from airborne LIDAR and CIR aerial imagery using deep learning and LiDAR metricsSani-Mohammed, Abubakar
2024Towards interactive information seeking : conversational question answeringLi, Yongqi
2022Towards laying the foundation of firmware analysisJiang, Muhui
2018Towards least-constrained human identification by recognizing iris and periocular at-a-distanceZhao, Zijing
2023Towards lightweight and efficient network design for image super-resolutionZhang, Xindong
2012Towards migrating user applications to the cloudLai, Kunfeng
2014Towards more trustworthy trust-based systems for anonymity and web securityZhou, Peng
2019Towards multisemiotic literacy : constructing explanations in secondary science classroomsHe, Qiuping
2021Towards norms in two translations of Hong Lou Meng : a corpus-based studyWu, Chunming
2021Towards privacy protection in the era of adversarial machine learning : attack and defenseZheng, Huadi