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Showing results 5506 to 5525 of 7339 < previous   next >
1996Self-assessment of foreign language ability : a reliable evaluation procedure and a remedy for test anxiety? A literature investigationKelly, Peter Julian
2020Self-centering timber beam to column connection with SMA boltsYi, Yunyi
2012Self-contamination of health care workers and the environmental contamination levels by improper manipulation of facemasksPoon, Fung-ling
2002Self-esteem before and after treatment in Chinese children with nocturnal enuresis and urinary incontinence : a qualitative approachShit, Kam-yee Frances
2001A self-paced, adaptive web-based coursewareChan, Yiu-cho Steven
2003Semi-automated construction of fully three-dimensional terrain modelsTse, Oi-chi Rebecca
2020Semi-supervised and adversarial domain adaptation for speaker recognitionLi, Longxin
2019Semi-supervised learning for speech emotion recognitionLi, Yun
2005Semiconducting properties of oxide thin films prepared by pulsed laser depositionLam, Ching-yee
2012Semiconductor laser diode control system based on FPGAYang, Hanwei
2001Sender-adaptive rate control for layered video multicastLau, Chi-wai
2019Sensitivity analysis in energy use of a new hotel building for building environment assessmentFung, Wing Man Erica
1996Sensitivity study of a suspension bridgeCheung, Wendy Y. Y
1996Sensor array processing for the detection of multiple straight lines and curvesLeung, Samuel Wai-cheong
2005Sensor fusion for audio-visual biometric authenticationCheung, Ming-cheung
2000Sensor placement method for effective monitoring of structural elementsIu, Chi-kin
2000Sensorless control of induction motor using Kalman FilterNg, Fu-sang
2010Sensorless motion control of induction motorLin, Yingfeng
2009Sensors based on organic thin film transistorsMok, Sheung-man
2000Sensors for ultrasonic bonding process controlChiu, Siu-san