Browsing by Degree > M.Phil.

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Showing results 1550 to 1569 of 1569 < previous 
2012What you see may not be entirely negative : an impression management approach to job insecurity and its consequencesZhao, Hailin
2003Will shareholding reform improve the performance of banks in China?Zhang, Sisi
2021Withdrawal of management earnings guidance during the COVID-19 pandemicAaron, Aurelius
2002Women's participation in community-based grassroots organizations : oppression or liberation?Yu, Fung-ying
2010Word order and subjectivity in CantoneseWong, Cheuk-lam Cherie
1999Work exposure and cumulative trauma disorders among visual display terminal (VDT) users in Hong KongSiu, Zoe Kin-fun
1998Work profile and functional capacity for formwork carpenters in Hong KongLee, Ka-lai Gloria
1999A workflow automation tool for ISO 9000 compliant quality management with applications in software developmentYan, Ching-ying
2004Xstream : a framework for efficient streaming of XML documents over wireless environmentWong, Yu-chun Eugene
2010临床评估桂蜡热敷穴位对糖尿病周围神经病变患者的效果Chen, Peiyi
2015學術與政治之間 : 徐復觀與錢穆的合與分Zhang, Fanjing; 張璠璟
2022宗藩体系下李鸿章的朝鲜策略(1870—1895年)党思敏; Dang, Simin
2017後解嚴時期台灣小說中的台北書寫郭楓; Guo, Feng
2001林紓翻譯的真真假假 : 西方及非洲的形象羅蔚芊; Lo, Wai-tsin
2018毛時代的鹽汽水 : 一項中共勞動保護政策的考察張瑞; Zhang, Rui
2001當代中國大陸社會工作群體對社會工作的理解: 中國大陸民政系統個案研究Wang, Ying
2001福爾摩斯偵探小說文言譯本研究 (1896-1916): 懸念和人物塑造陳韻琴; Chan, Wankam Janice
2018荒謬處境下的固守與尊嚴 : 論劉醒龍小說《天行者》梁建華; Leung, Kin Wah
2011香港双语法例中条件句的翻译研究王艳; Wang, Yan
2012麥門冬湯對睡眠及褪黑素的影響黃漢發; Wong, Hon Fat