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Showing results 854 to 873 of 1569 < previous   next >
2001Legal aspects of Chinese marine insurance against the background of English lawWang, Xin
2012Leveraging the mega event : the event-destination image transfer model and the moderating effect of image congruityDeng, Qian Claire
2009Lifting-based wavelet transform for video codingHui, Chiu-wai
2000Light scattering and absorption properties of aerosols in the Hong Kong regionShih, Minyi
2001Limiting mutual diffusion of nonassociated aromatic solutesChiu, Wai-man
2022Linear maps preserving certain unitarily invariant norms of tensor products of matricesZheng, Run
2013Liver fibrosis assessment using transient elastography guided with real-time B-mode ultrasound imaging : a feasibility studyMak, Tak-man
2011Living beyond gynecologic cancer : quality of life and sexuality among Chinese womenZeng, Yingchun
2022Local agglomeration and household mortgage debtChen, Fengqin
2001Local telephony in Hong Kong : a study of production structure and natural monopoly issueLam, Sze-wai Teresa
2002Localization of ion transporters and channels in the bovine ciliary epitheliumSheng, Ka-lee Caren
2004Localization of the multi-drug resistance gene product (LeMDR1) in Leishmania enriettiiTsang, Ming-san
2015Long-term behavior of bond between FRP and concrete exposed to a humid subtropical environment : experimental study and predictive modelingSun, Dianyu
2005Longitudinal study of contact lens care in Hong Kong and the effect of interventions on complianceYung, Mo-sze
2024Loss helps people make more rational decisionsYu, Xinhao
2022Low reynolds number airfoil aerodynamics and plane jetWang, Shu
2014Low-temperature sintered lead-free piezoelectric ceramics and their applications for vibratory gyrosensorsWong, Mau Tak
2002Lumbar spinal motion analysisWong, Wai-ning
2009Luminescence of phosphors based on novel oxides for field emission displayLi, Hiu-ling
2020Luminescent transition metal complexes for organic light-emitting diodes and photocatalytic CO₂ reductionGuan, Yunzhi