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Showing results 1932 to 1951 of 4464 < previous   next >
2009GA method for image registrationSun, Xin
2024Gait classification and center of pressure dynamic trajectory in individuals with unilateral transfemoral amputationHe, Yufan
2000Gait evaluation of orthotic treatment for subject with hemiplegic foot-dropLam, Yiu-ping Fermat
2024Gait restoration using exo-neuro-musculo-skeleton and cyber physical social system in home-based telerehabilitation for chronic strokeSong, Hantao
2003Gaolan Port : transformation from a feeder port to a shipping hubHui, May-ha Tracy
2018Gas products from the isoprene + nitrate radicals (NO₃) reaction and isoprene + ozone (O₃) reaction by using chamberZhu, Hanbing
2024A gelatin/hyaluronic acid-based injectable mechanically enhanced hydrogel for cartilage defect repairHao, Jie
2005Gender difference in symptoms experiences and self-care behavior of older patients with heart failureKan, Wai-yuen Anthea
2000Gender-based occupational segregation in the Hong Kong civil service : social, organizational and individual contributing factorsLam, Wing-shan Simona
2016Gene expression of caspase-1, caspase-4 and romA in Legionella pneumophila infected THP-1 cellLam, Pui Ying
2015A general design strategy of acoustic resonators for noise control within low-frequency bandHu, Zhongyu
1996A general-purpose [school] timetable plannerLau, Chi-kan
1994Generalized RISC simulatorHui, Chi-kwok
2015Generating 3D property units in 3D cadastre from BIM model with case study in Hong KongYe, Lichao
1997A generic post-processor for numerical control systemLi, Wai-keung
2011Genes involved in cell migration signaling pathways induced by the p110δ isoform of class IA phosphoinositide 3-kinase in glioblastoma multiformeOr, Mei-li
1998Genetic algorithm approach to scheduling of generatorsTuen, Kin-wa
1998A genetic algorithms approach to material handling hoist scheduling with time window constraintsChan, Siu-cheung
2001Genetic cloning and characterization of Spalax ehrenbergi mole rat H3 histone geneLeung, Fo-man
2003Genetic detection of bladder cancer by microsatellite analysis on p16 and p53 tumour suppressor genes in local ChineseLee, Chui-ping