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Showing results 4116 to 4135 of 4464 < previous   next >
2022An ultrasonic testing-based research tool for real-time corrosion rate monitoringBai, Xinru
2003Ultrasonography of the semitendinosus muscle in male subjects : relationship of cross-sectional area and flexibility before and after warm up exerciseHo, Shun-kok
2012Ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging : an atherosclerosis studyPun, Holger Hok Tsun
2011Ultrasound measurement of abdominal fat index for predicting cardiovascular diseaseLaw, Kwok-sing Ricky
2001Unbounded character representationLi, Wai-chiu
2002Uncertainty in GIS analysis for landslide hazard assessmentKirk, Philip
2012Uncertainty-based map matching for land vehicle navigationYang, Cheng
2023Understanding event attendants’ attitude toward social distancing measures and pro-social intention in outdoor events in the with-corona eraLi, Jiachen
1997Understanding users' attributes in the development of management information systemsWong, Pik-wa Linda
2022Unet-DenseNet for robust far-field speaker verificationGao, Zhenke
1994Unit commitment by the lagrangian relaxation methodWong, Po-wah
2001Unit IPOs : an offer mechanism for going public by smaller and riskier firmsFung, Shan Katherine
1998UNIX security checking tool using knowledge-based approachLeung, Lap-yin
2022Urban leverage, purchase restriction and housing price in ChinaLu, Wanying
2002Usability evaluation of hotel Websites in Hong KongAu Yeung, Ying-siu Tom
2012Usability evaluation of schematic London metro maps using eye-trackingLiu, Zheng
2010USB stick array : design and implementation of a large scale storage system with discarded USB flash memory sticksZhang, Yi
1998Use a methodology model adopted QFD and questionnaires for continuous quality improvement in small construction projectsChan, Chi-wai Percy
2007Use data ming [sic] techniques to build financial crisis prediction models : joining financial and non financial indicatorZheng, Daohong.
2004The use of art in exploring feelings of nurses in general medical wardsNg, Sau-yee