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Showing results 2274 to 2293 of 4706 < previous   next >
2016Interference management in wireless networks : a cross layer approachYao, Junmei
2023Interlayer engineering and surface modification of Ti3C2Tx MXene for high-performance supercapacitorsLi, Hao
2012Internal control weaknesses, corporate governance and the informativeness of earningsJin, Jun
2020International acquisition strategy of emerging economies : a study on Chinese hotel companiesZhang, Fan
2011International exchange partner identification : methods, antecedents and consequencesZhan, Ge
2022Internet of things and deep learning for construction-induced vibration monitoringMeng, Qiuhan
2006Internet-based teleoperation for robot navigationWang, Meng
2009The interoperability of building information models and document models in the Hong Kong construction industryTse, Tao-chiu
2024Interorganizational knowledge sharing in megaprojects : antecedent identification, stakeholder synergy, and innovation capability enhancementHe, Hui
2009Interpersonal relationships, emotions, and harming : the role of cooperative goalsLam, Ka-fung Catherine
2022Interpreters’ rapport management in press conferences held by American institute in TaiwanLi, Ruitian
2000Interrogation of fiber Bragg grating sensors with a tunable laser sourceChan, Chi-chiu Julian
2009Interruptible load management in deregulated power systemsWu, Guoyue
2024Intimate partner violence and depressive symptoms among pregnant women : trajectories, correlates, and impactsChen, Xiaoyan
2013Intonation effects on Cantonese lexical tones in speaking and singingZhang, Ling
2003Intra-cavity gas detection using Er-doped fiber lasersZhang, Min
2005Intra-industry information transfer associated with earnings releases by global airlines : a cross-country analysisGong, Xihe
2023Intra-task interference analysis for real-time scheduling of DAG tasksHe, Qingqiang
2012Intrathalamic interaction in the medial geniculate bodyGuo, Shanshan
2023Inverse optimization applied to operations management in the petroleum industryOrisaremi, Kayode Kelvin