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1999The dimensionality and determinants of pay satisfaction : a cross-cultural investigation of a firm's group incentive planFong, Chi-leung Sunny
1999An empirical investigation of self-concept and Ajzen's theory of plannedbehavior for automobile purchase intentionTam, Sheung Andrew
1999Strategic decision making about the status of Hong Kong-based regional headquarters of selected European and North-American firms in 1997 : a study in discontinuous changeTai, Chang-ching Reginald
1999Critical success factors of business process reengineering : a case studyTong, James Yiu-woon
1999The impact of organizational culture, human resource practices, and strategy on company performance in Hong Kong : a dynamic resource viewChan, Lit-man Lismen
1999An investigation of an experientially based approach to management training in a bureaucratic organizationLok, Anthony C. C
1999A model of organizational citizenship behavior : the mediating role of trust and empowermentWat, Dennis K. C
1999The effects of alliance relationships on customer responses : an empirical study of interior decoration serviceNg, Kin-ching David
1999Community policing in Hong Kong : an institutional analysisCheuk, Chun-yin Albert
1999Factors affecting the effectiveness of governance in Hong Kong's public hospitalsLieu, Geoffrey Sek Yiu
1999The impact of human resources managers and middle level managers on perceived performance of organizations under differing business strategiesYip, Wai-kwong Felix
2000The influence of Guanxi on local partner selection : a study of small and medium-sized Sino-Hong Kong manufacturing joint ventures in southern ChinaWong, Leung-kwong Peter
2000The "Big Bang" financial market reforms : impacts on the strategies of Japanese city banksTakei, Yuichi
2000Factors affecting the pricing of electricity in twelve Asian countriesKo, Koon-hung Anthony
2000The impact of celebrity spokespersons' perceived image on brand preference and purchase intentionYuen, Man-chun Royce
2000A DBA research thesis on blueprinting as a strategic tool for managing service quality : a study of a retail bank in Hong KongChan, Yiu-wa Victor
2000Understanding the individual mutual fund investors in Hong Kong : factors influencing purchase decisionFung, Kin-ming David
2001Factors affecting selling effectiveness in China : adaptive behaviour, relationship orientation and knowledgeMan, Kin-wah Andy
2001A social exchange model of employee withdrawalChan, Ching-kit
2001Brand image and brand loyalty : the case of auto-repair services in Hong KongYung, Yiu-wing Paul