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2018EOR, psychological contract fulfilment, personality, and turnoverAprillia, Cindy
2008The relationship between power concentration in firms and their financial performance : evidence from mainland ChinaAu, Mo-cheung
2016Does drinking really matter? : an empirical study of the effect of drinking on Guanxi in Chinese B2B marketsBai, Song
2021An exploratory study of the critical success factors of the global shipping industry in the digital eraBrrar, Surinder Singh
2020An exploratory study of the effect of investor relations management on investors and analysts in Chinese A-share marketCai, Jin
2010Moderating effect of the orientation of top management on quality management and firm performanceChan, Chi-ming
2001A social exchange model of employee withdrawalChan, Ching-kit
2006Strategy, structure, and performance : a multiple case study of retail companies in Hong KongChan, Chung-wai Andy
2008What makes customers discontent with service providers? : an empirical analysis of complaint handling in information and communication technology servicesChan, Chung-yee Hubert
2007The effect of foreign strategic investors on the performance of PRC H-firms before and after IPOsChan, Eva
2003The impact of the effective management of intellectual capital on firm performanceChan, Heron
2015Arousal and consumer reaction to monetary sales promotionsChan, Ka Wai
2005The use of derivatives and its impact on firm value : evidence from Australian firmsChan, Kai-cheong
2002Perceived organizational politics among nursing professionals in a Chinese society : direct effects on attitudinal and bahavioral outcomes and moderating effects of Guanxi and participative managementChan, Kit-ying Sandy
2023A study of the impact of student cyberloafing on instructor’s job satisfaction in the higher education setting — the role of work meaningfulness, perceived seriousness of cyberloafing, and work engagementChan, Lai Meng
1999The impact of organizational culture, human resource practices, and strategy on company performance in Hong Kong : a dynamic resource viewChan, Lit-man Lismen
2021An empirical study : the impact of collaborative communications on new product creativity that contributes to new product performanceChan, Ming Hei
2003Person-environment fit and work performance in the hotel industry of Hong KongChan, Po-wan Paul
2015A study of ingratiating behavior towards coworkersChan, Pui Shan
2014An empirical study of how strategic orientations affect green supply chain management practices and firm financial performance in ChinaChan, So Kuen