Browsing by Department > Department of Building and Real Estate

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Showing results 152 to 171 of 418 < previous   next >
2022Exploring the factors influencing people's motivation to buy real estate in the urban context of transit-oriented development in Hong KongWang, Yuqin
2020External stakeholder management at the planning stage of construction projects in Ghana : consultants' perspectiveOppong, Dennis Goodenough
2016Faculty invention disclosure and patent assignment in university-industry technology transfer in China : a mixed methods studyChang, Xuhua
2020Fatal or not - recovery of payment in the absence of valid certificateLee, Man Him Manfred
2022A feasibility study of technologies adoption and implementation for construction safety and health management construction industry in Hong KongLeung, Shing Yan
2002A feasibility study of using of aluminium system formwork in HK building constructionChan, Yue-ho Wilson
2012Feasibility study on applications of solar chimney and earth tube systems for BEAM plus an LEED assessmentsZhou, You Joe
2024Fiber-optic sensor based structural analysis of the offshore platformYang, Yushu
2022Financial management and procurement approaches of modular construction projects : a blockchain-based bim frameworkAssaf, Mohamed Kamal Abbas
2006Forecasting manpower demand in the construction industry of Hong KongWong, Ming-wah James
2018A framework for effective site planning and design of green residential buildings in ChinaHuo, Xiaosen
2003A framework for implementing value management in China's construction industryLiu, Guiwen
2010A framework for stakeholder management in construction projectsYang, Jing
2015A framework of evolution and optimization of regional population distribution for sustainable development in ChinaLu, Chen
2006A framework of knowledge processes for professional quantity surveying firms in Hong KongChoi, Kit-yung Sonia
2002The future development of design and build contract in the construction industry of Hong KongHui, Chun-keung
1999A fuzzy expert system for tender mark-up adjudicationChoi, Chu-fan
2014General Regression Neural Network based time series modelling for prediction and analysis of construction equipment maintenance costsYip, Hon Lun
2013A GIS-based framework for supporting sustainable land use planning in urban renewal projectsWang, Hao
1999Government lease control on real estate developmentWong, Ho-fai