Browsing by Department > Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

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Showing results 272 to 291 of 417 < previous   next >
2019Performance of precast concrete piles founded on saprolitic soilKam, Lok Hang Dixon
2020Performance-based assessment of glass cladding in tall structures under typhoons (computational-based)Zeng, Fengfan
2020Phosphorus recovery from incinerated sewage sludge ash (ISSA) and transferring into phosphate fertilizerFang, Le
2019Photocatalytic degradation of pesticides using N-doped TiO₂ nanoparticles activated by visible LED irradiationAbdelhaleem, Amal Sayed Moustafa
2018Photochemical formation of alkyl nitrates and their impacts on ozone production in Hong KongLyu, Xiaopu
2021Photochemical ozone formation and radical chemistry in five Chinese megacities and Pearl Rriver Estuary : field observations and model simulationsLiu, Xufei
2018Photodegradation of pharmaceuticals with a recyclable catalyst CoFe₂O₄/TiO₂ in aqueous phaseGong, Han
2021Physical and numerical modelling study of Hong Kong marine deposits improved by reinforcements and vertical drainsWu, Peichen
2019Physicochemical characterization of neat asphalt binders in oxidative aging and rejuvenationZhao, Kecheng
2018Potential environmental impact and zero-valent iron treatment of wastewater from hydraulic fracturingSun, Yuqing
2020Predicting land supply in Shenzhen by a GIS-based data-driven approachZhang, Lin
2022Probabilistic machine learning and Bayesian inference for vibration-based structural damage identificationWang, Xiaoyou
2020Properties and microstructure of light-weight wood-magnesium oxychloride cement compositesHe, Pingping
2019Quantifying the economic and environmental linkage and leakage of the construction sector in an urban economyHung, Chang-wei Cathy
2023Quantitative assessment of the leaching of heavy metals and PAHs from asphalt pavements and its impactZou, Fuliao
2015Quantitative measurement of acidic ultrafine particles and observations of new particle formation in the atmosphere of Hong KongWang, Dawei
2016Rain-wind-induced cable vibration through wind tunnel tests and numerical analysisJing, Haiquan
2019RC beam-column joints seismically retrofitted with selective beam weakening and local FRP strengtheningWang, Qingkai
2024Reaction mechanism of tricalcium aluminate – seawater systemsCai, Yamei
2021Reactive bromine and chlorine chemistry in the polluted regionPeng, Xiang