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Showing results 1030 to 1049 of 1071 < previous   next >
1999User profiling to information discovery over WWWKan, Patrick T. Y
2015User-centric query optimization over web data servicesLi, Yu
1999Using CORBA technology to design a web-based stock quotation systemWong, Kit-han Amy
1998Using EIS in to-day hotel information systemMan, Wing-kay
1994Using information technology as an operating strategy for promoting and delivering management development in Hong KongHo, Alfred Sai-pak
2015Using Kinect v2 network for human activity recognition with application for elderly careYu, Xinbo
2002Using texture analysis on biometric technology for personal identificationKong, Wai-kin Adams
2001Utilizing average roundtrip time (RTT) and the local workload p for efficient object-oriented real-time computing over the InternetChiu, Chi-wai
2018Vault : an open-source parallel database as a serviceIp, Yat Fung
2023Verifiable data search atop blockchainWu, Haotian
1996Verification and validation of a life underwriting knowledge-baseLee Seng-whye
2010Video based location search using SIFT pointsYe, Zhi
2019Video style transfer with artistic and photorealistic image style transfer algorithmsLam, Ming Fung
2015Video surveillance over wireless networksZou, Yang
2012Video-based pattern recognition by spatio-temporal modeling via multi-modality co-learningZheng, Haomian
2011Video-Based Product Search ServicesChen, Xin
1999Virtual 3D sculpturingWong, Pui-yee Janis
2011Vision-based hand gesture recognitionZhang, Yang
2014Vision-based sign language recognitionBao, Hanqing
2018Visual learning of pairwise similarity and relative order relationshipsWang, Faqiang