Browsing by Department > Department of Electrical Engineering

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Showing results 167 to 186 of 333 < previous   next >
2006Interference of railway 25 kV AC traction power systems and use of optical sensors for train detectionLi, Kang-kuen
2000Interrogation of fiber Bragg grating sensors with a tunable laser sourceChan, Chi-chiu Julian
2009Interruptible load management in deregulated power systemsWu, Guoyue
2003Intra-cavity gas detection using Er-doped fiber lasersZhang, Min
2003An investigation of AC corona in air and sulphur hexafluoride/nitrogen mixturesZhang, Chaohai
2002Investigation of corona discharges and electrical breakdown in sulphur-hexafluoride/nitrogen mixturesWong, Ka-ming
2014Investigation of high frequency DC to AC conversion and control techniques for high frequency power distributionLiu, Junfeng
2015Investigation of load side power conversion for high frequency AC distribution systemsXu, Cuidong
2009Investigation of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in dynamic settingsZhang, Xinzheng
2001Investigation of spark breakdown paths in air by using an image processing techniqueQiu, Dehong
2010Investigation on the use of GPGPU for fast sparse matrix factorizationTian, Ye
2001Investigations into the use of energy storage in power system applicationsLeung, Ka-kit
2018A large-scale concentrated photovoltaic power generation with an auto solar tracking systemLi, Siyang
2010Large-scale integration of wind power generation on power system planningZhang, Yutong
2019A linear approximation of unified branch flow for reactive power optimization with wind turbinesLi, Qing
2014Linear regression position estimation methods for switched reluctance motorsChang, Yan Tai
1998Magnetic field analysis on 220KV outdoor switching stationHo, Suk-kau Tenly
2019Magnetic harmonic gear investigationLam, Wai Kit
2011Magnetic levitation based on switched reluctance actuatorSun, Zhengang
2018Magnetic topology analysis of the switched reluctance motor for torque improvementZhu, Jingwei